Sunday, April 1, 2012

SHFiguarts: Tiger & Bunny - Barnaby Brooks Jr (Darkness Bunny Edition Tamashii Nation Exclusive)

A costume which appears in several short comic strips in the magazine Animage. It was made as a match for Wild Tiger's original costume, and thus looks more like a traditional superhero uniform. Like Barnaby's hero suit, its colors are predominantly red, white and black. It has no sponsor logos, but "Jr" on the chest and cowl instead. Barnaby is stuck wearing this costume while his usual hero suit is undergoing maintenance, and it is such a hit with female fans and children that Agnes subsequently has him wear it even longer.

A darker hero suit first worn in episode 21. Like the prototype suit, it is predominantly black and gray and has no sponsor logos. The suit's eyes glow red instead of the usual hero suit's blue, and are covered entirely by a visor. This visor contains a video feed which allows Maverick to view things through the suit's eyes. Unlike Barnaby's other costumes, this suit was not developed by Saito, who suspects there might be some nasty additions to it and has it destroyed once Barnaby regains his memory.

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