The RX-78-2 Gundam (aka Gundam) is the titular mobile suit of Mobile Suit Gundam. Part of the RX-78 Gundam series, It was built in secret on Side 7, the Gundam would turn the tide of war in favor of the Earth Federation during the One Year War. The unit was primarily piloted by Amuro Ray.
The Gundam was incredibly advanced for its time. Built from lightweight Luna Titanium, its frame was both lighter than that of Zeon's mass-produced Mobile Suits and much sturdier, able to shrug off a Zaku's
machine gun fire with little to no damage. Its offensive power was
above and beyond that of the Zeon Zakus. The Gundam would engage in most
battles with its Beam Rifle making it the first Mobile Suit to have firepower equivalent to a battleship beam cannon. In addition, it made use of two beam sabers,
a blade of extremely hot plasma which could cut through any metal with
ease. Those beam sabers could be extended into a spear-like beam javelin, which could be used to stab into an enemy from a longer distance than the blade of the saber would allow.
The Gundam also used more conventional weaponry: it could be launched with a Hyper Bazooka,
the Federation's answer to the bazookas used by Zeon's Zakus; in
addition, its head was outfitted with a pair of small vulcan cannons,
providing it with a last resort weapon as well as a way of attacking
light-armored aircraft and vehicles without wasting ammo or energy from
its more powerful armaments. It also made use of a very unconventional
close-range weapon known as the Gundam Hammer -- a large weapon similar to a flail which could be swung at enemies to deal crushing damage.
The Gundam Hammer was eventually upgraded for use in space and
outfitted with a number of verniers on the ball, and renamed to be the Hyper Hammer.
Lastly, it wielded a large shield which would offer it a defense
against enemy attacks that not even its Luna Titanium body could
withstand without damage. Gundam pilot Amuro Ray would make use of the
shield as a decoy in many battles, taking advantage of its size to fool
the enemy into thinking he was charging at them, then attacking the
enemy through the shield.
In terms of technology, the Gundam was equipped with a sophisticated Learning Computer
which would collect pilot and enemy data during skirmishes and allow
the Gundam to operate more effectively. The data from the computer was
used by the Federation to improve the controls of the Gundam's
mass-produced form, the RGM-79 GM. In addition, it was upgraded by Federation technician Mosque Han shortly before the Battle of A Boa Qu to improve its reaction times, the joints of the Gundam were given a Magnetic Coating, based on the experimental procedure performed on the RX-78-3 "G-3" Gundam and later used Amuro's intended successor unit, the RX-78NT-1 Gundam "Alex".
The Gundam makes use of the Core Block System implemented in the other V Project units. The torso of the Gundam is mostly hollow so that a FF-X7 Core Fighter
can dock with it. This allows the pilot to jettison the legs and torso
of the Gundam should the Gundam be too heavily damaged and gives the
pilot a chance to escape from battle.
Later, during Operation Odessa, the Gundam is given a support unit known as the G-Fighter.
The two G-Fighters were designed to take advantage of the Gundam's
modular system and diversify the Gundam's role in active combat. These
modes ranged from the assault bomber G-Armor to the close combat support tank G-Bull
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